As mentioned in previous post. I had full schedule on the month of December and here is part of a day on my December schedule--------Hello peeps, yay! I did it. I'm gonna step into another stage of my life. My convocation held in KL and the whole ceremony was actually pretty boring. The only interesting part was most probably photo-hunting (ps: accredited to my beloved bro & Mike be my proud photographer). Luckily all the photos still able to capture me in a good condition. But it was kinda disappointed because I was like being kicked out from the circles as my previous besties gang got their new mates and abandoned me behind T_T. (It is no point to be so upset, actually I did decision not to join the convocation from the beginning but lastly found out it's okay for me because seems like I have lesser chance able to meet my previous coursemates or classmates. So, I decided to make it as a gather in such memorable day. I found that I had no more extra time for meeting them :(. I apologize for those who unable to meet at the time. Btw, I still want to thank whoever helping me in all the assessments and assignments. Those days we worked together, the late night revision, the forever-late-to-class and you guys were got influenced by ME! The feeling all came back when I see them again during the convocation ceremony although you guys made me felt a little sad of regreting not to join the studies in KL. Meanwhile, everyone might be busy in different states, we no longer seeing each other in months, years, but I'm here still wishing everyone good luck in all you do!
We did everyone else did, we are in blue on that day!
Yi Jie was one of my classmates aka coursemates aka intern partner who keep persuade me attend my convocation but then at last she wasn't attend the graduation ceremony. I told this distinction student who being so supportive to me during my whole diploma period that I'm gonna slap her when she walk towards me with casual wear. However, you're the one I really want THANK THANK THANK you you so much no matter when I whatsapp you about the question to crave for the answer you are still willing to reply me...feel so touch nahhhh:*
Popcorn May May, a bad bad bad girl who always craving for party, food hunt, shopping, etc... Hahaha! But she had a good boyfriend as her backup. So no matter how hardship gone through her diploma period, she is still having a good good good boyfriend. Since your boyfriend decided to stay and continue caring you as a princess, please appreciate what you have right now. Looking forward to our next meet yet all the best on your final exam. Imy so so so much! The only one stayed with me from the beginning until the end of my diploma life since the second day of the class.
Ya Shiz, who have a decent outlook and soft voice in our class. Thanks for being my teammates for a few times, thanks for "tahan" my laziness, Hahaha! Have a great future ahead!

Hi Soo Yuan, siao cha bo, I really don't know why every time we met, you are always starring at me for so long and feeling so excited that out of my expectation. I know you're craving for alcohol activities with me, we said we want and we need to chill for so long time but we still unable to make it. No worries, the promise with you is still keep in my mind. Let's catch up once you back from your city to jungle :))) and the coolest girl in the hall, Mun Ying. Nice to meet you although I still have no idea how fierce you are. Haha!
Happy May, I'm looking forward for your 21st advance birthday celebration! Thanks for your invitation. Much glad that you're still remember me so I will definitely attend your 21st big day :p.
Turn to all the gentleman part, thanks all of you for the awesome treat, it was so blessful to have so many gentlemen in my diploma life who willing to lunch, dinner, have fun, have joke, entertainment, clubbing, dancing....lalalalalalala. Words can't describe how much I appreciated, and how much I wish you guys still doing all those activities together with me now.. Hahahaha.. okay, I lost the photos with joshua, eric, yenlim (the best teammate) who still owe me a meal right?? Hahahaha! Next time okay? ^^ Please forgive me!
Thanks my brother, Mr Ooi YJ who be the photographer of the day and the sweetest western bouquet.
At first, I'm so excited for wearing the gown, getting mortar board on my head as before that I still considering how could my big head fit into the mortar board comfortably and the photo effect was just nice to show my face looks slimmer. In fact, my face was actually can look slim in CERTAIN angle. *feeling smirk*
Seriously, I don't really like to attend graduation ceremony as TARUC's convocation ceremony was under BIG bright HOT sun with the large and thick gown plus sweating with the make up. In addition, I could afford to stand with high heels for an hour but after that hour I'll turn into bad mood.
Last but not least, I still want to thank my family members who willing to spend their precious time on attending my convocation here together with the angpausss by sisters, aunties, sister in law :).
As it was MY graduation, so I am extremely excited!! This is because I can meet all my lovely friends and I received a free Hebe concert ticket from my sister as my graduation celebration party after the tiring ceremony..
Taadaa, after back home, taken a shower and have a snap photo with my new bunny and we were off to Hebe concert!

Okay, I'm taking Rm288 seat but yea I'm still so far from her.. >"< I'm not a super big fan of her but I do love her pretty outlook and voice! I did really enjoyed the show but I felt so sorry because I really don't know GREEN is her signature. I just want something different from others so I bought a yellow one.. Sorry.. TT However, I'm still very enjoy in the LIVE concert because we only able to experience the most true voice of the singer in the live concert and grab the feeling deeply in our memory with our both ears and eyesight but not the SCREEN.
After the ceremony and the concert, I've rushed to my third round of the day which is bumped into all my girls in times square! So, let's create PARTY CRAZY NIGHT! It's kinda forgot how I gone through that night with them because we were just too over crazy...
Felt so lovely with this pic, our beautician maralyn, sponsored each of us a piece of Cosini cooling masque and another sweetest moment was she set her alarm and help us take off the masque while everyone was fall asleep. **bigkisstoyou
(Woke up early and off to swimming pool)
Thanks for the unforgetten moment with you girls. For my ex classmates, I'm really sorry for the breakfast date. I'm so so so sorry for the area I stayed which far away from you guys. Will have next plan for you guys to fill back my fault :(
Christmas Short Getaway!
End my post with this pose. Favorite shoot from Mike :)