It bought from MAYFLOWER BAKERY that from chai leng park.
the phone number : 04-3906691
call him for a reservation and the cakes is really tasty!
I miss the cake on my birthday that bought from my sister!
the shop is introduced by my brother.
try it laa,you will not get lost eh laa.
trust me:)
back to today's topic : my beloved JESS's birthday.
yes.A birthday bash after discussing and held at my house last night.
many peoples were attended the party and chit chat till midnight.
had woke up earlier in the morning for visit daddy that still at hospital:(
after back keep preparing dishes for the baby's birthday.
my sister, was fetching me there and here for taken the dishes that had ordered before.
waohh.I'm such as super duper busy for the bash and I felt tired at all.
my daddy was so pity he can't join the bash but he 3G with my sister.
and the main point is he look like wanna cry>"<
hahaha!I know his feelings!don't sad and hope he can't back tomorrow!
Go to face with the trial,goddamn!doomsday!
----the end---