The sister drove speed and we arrived there almost just used 25minutes.
through here,gonna share with you all I had pass my car test!clap for me!:)
I'm happy.but the worst things was I can't spent my time with the malay guy anymore.
hahaha!ignore it larh.btw,my agent,Uncle Tong,which is super duper busy agent but many peoples still love or want to under him.As you know,he's very busy so means my license will not so fast to get it.but the first time I felt don't know is him efficient or the malay guy is too care me-.-Finally,I get my license so early within 3days!
My mom,was not trust with my driving skill,and she always told me.you drove when your dad besides you.she utter that she don't want to get heart attack>"<
nevermind,few more days to go,she will trust my skills.
p/s:I met with the one and only handsome guy today,Eric Chong.He,will be my next post!:)