Wednesday, November 2, 2011

the day I found my happiness

I'm really enjoyed with those days!
thanks buddys!
these video were found in youtube that my ex campers told me when they saw it.
the tears will automatically dropped out after I take a look.
can I share here?would you guys take some times watch it and guess whether am I enjoyed there?
click play!found out where am I.that time I'm just only 14 years old.
seriously,it was long long time ago but it can't erase the sweet memorize.
I'm appreciate with the moment.
can you found out where am I?? I am standing behind and wore red shirts when I'm dancing on stage:)

this arhh..I think you can't see me laa..if you're smart..then you can found out..-.-

my AS's friends.Jac and Steph.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA! the place i know you <3 it has been 3 years...

  2. regarding to the second video... we are all in a corner! HAHAHA.. love you lots lots..
